Attentional focusing instructions and force productions
Attentional focus and functional connectivity in cycling: An EEG case study. Paper presented at the XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Seville, Spain. Attentional focusing instructions and force production. The effects of attentional focus instructions on punching velocity and impact forces among trained combat athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35 The effects of attentional focusing instructions on force production during the isometric midthigh pull. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research Keywords: attentional focus, research methodology, anticipato- ry behavior control, motor learning, instructions, automaticity. On the ski simulator, focusing on the force exerted on the wheels under the platform on which the participant is standing has been demonstrated to produce larger movement Attentional focusing instructions influence force production and muscular activity during isokinetic elbow flexions. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(8), 2358-2366. PubMed doi:10.1519/ JSC.0b013e3181b8d1e5 Mills, N., & Allen, J. (2000). Attentional focusing instructions and force production. DC Marchant. Speed dependant influence of attentional focusing instructions on force production and muscular activity during isokinetic elbow flexions. The effects of attentional focusing instructions on force production during the isometric mid-thigh pull. Marchant DC, Greig M, and Scott C. Attentional focusing instructions influence force production and muscular activity during isokinetic elbow flexions. The attentional focus emphasised in verbal instruction influences movement and muscle recruitment characteristics, with an external focus (onto There were no differences in torque production between conditions. Externally focused instruction produced significantly lower iEMG magnitude The measurements of force production were acquired using a motor task similar to our previous studies16,33. The research was conducted in a quiet room. At the beginning of the experimental procedure, subjects received different verbal instructions for the two types of attentional focus, as ("attentional focus" OR "focus of attention" OR "attentional focusing" OR IFA OR EFA OR "External focus" OR "internal focus") AND (performance OR balance OR "motor learning" OR instruction *). The keywords and search strategy have been changed compared to the previous study [19] Attentional focus has been defined as instructions that direct one's attention (1). Instructions that direct one's attention towards their body is known as internal focus. The effects of attentional focusing instructions on force production during the isometric midthigh pull.
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