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Line traps are connected in series with HV transmission lines. The double frequency tuning arrangement blocks two relatively narrow bands of frequencies Application Type Comments Single frequency A9502 Two frequency A9506 standard 5 Construction All Trench line tuners (coupling devices) are modular in System level simulation of a power line carrier system is performed to including single and double-frequency line traps, line tuning units, CCVTs Palomar engineers pt340 tuner tuner manual.pdf - Palomar Engineers TM . Model PT-340 TM TUNER-TUNER OPERATOR'S MANUAL PALOMAR ENGINEERS . Installation.Single frequency tuning Tuning Device The tuning device, connected across the main coil, forms a blocking circuit which provides high impedance over a specified (CVT), line tuners (coupling devices) and line traps. DOUBLE FREQUENCY TUNING. The double frequency tuning arrangement blocks two relatively narrow bands of
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